Armando Collado Villaverde

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Armando Collado Villaverde

Armando Collado Villaverde

Armando Collado Villaverde

Categoría: Predoctoral. Agencia Estatal Europea ESA

Departamento: Automática

Correo electrónico:


Grupos de Investigación

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Líneas de investigación del Grupo

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Proyectos de Investigación

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  • COLLADO VILLAVERDE, Armando; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; CID TORTUERO, Consuelo; ."A Framework for Evaluating Geomagnetic Indices Forecasting Models". (ISSN: 1542-7390). Space Weather. 2024 , vol 22 , num 3 .
  • COLLADO VILLAVERDE, Armando; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; CID TORTUERO, Consuelo; ."Neural Networks for Operational SYM-H Forecasting Using Attention and SWICS Plasma Features". (ISSN: 1542-7390). Space Weather. 2023 , vol 21 , num 8 .
  • COLLADO VILLAVERDE, Armando; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; CID TORTUERO, Consuelo; ."Deep Neural Networks with Convolutional and LSTM layers for SYM¿H and ASY¿H forecasting". (ISSN: 1542-7390). Space Weather. 2021 , vol 19 , num 6 .  .
  • COLLADO VILLAVERDE, Armando; COBOS MAESTRE, Mario; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; FERNÁNDEZ BARRERO, David; ."A Simulator to Support Machine Learning-Based Wearable Fall Detection Systems". (ISSN: 2079-9292). Electronics Basel. 2020 , vol 9 , num 11 .  .

Artículos Electrónicos

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  • COLLADO VILLAVERDE, Armando; COBOS MAESTRE, Mario; MUÑOZ MARTÍNEZ, Pablo; RODRÍGUEZ MORENO, María Dolores; ."Fall simulator for supporting supervised Machine Learning techniques in wearable devices". Congreso. Internacional. "INISTA 2020 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications". Novi Sad "(Serbia)". (24/08/2020 - 26/08/2020).
  • COLLADO VILLAVERDE, Armando; COBOS MAESTRE, Mario; HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, Helena; RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, Daniel; ."Stability of data complexity measures in k-fold cross validation applied to predict glucose levels.". Congreso. Internacional. "4th Bilbao Data Science Workshop". Bilbao (07/11/2019 - 08/11/2019).


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