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Financial Specialist- Intern (OFERTA DE EMPLEO 302_2018)

Categoría: Oferta de empleo

Descripción: Consultura dedicada a la gestión de proyectos a nivel international y nacional selecciona 1 Financial Specialist- Intern. Se requiere Administración y Dirección de Empresa o Económicas

Fecha Inicio: 09-07-2018

Fecha Fin: 14-09-2018

Más Información: The internship must allow the student to put into practice intructions and knowledge obtained during the programme. In accordance with the School, the Company must support the intern with missions and responsabilities that are directly related to the qualifications and skills of his ongoing degree. The student will carry out the following activities that have been validated by the School: - Accounting (air, s/p, lpc, etc¿) - Revenue recognition - Contract checklist - Other administrative tasks Skills to be developped and acquired during the internship - Participate to different projects and different stages of every project - Increase authonomy - Fully use this opportunity to develop the multicultural dimension of the student educational background - Analyse and help deciding the activity sectors that the student will want to get oriented to in his future professional project. INTERESADOS ENVIAR CV indicando nº de oferta a:

Universidad de Alcalá

Convocante: Vicerrectorado de Economía, Emprendimiento y Empleabilidad