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European Research Council - Working session Ad hoc activity Got Energy Talent MSCA-Cofund

Categoría: Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia

Descripción: Universidad de Alcalá and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos are organising an online training on the European Research Council grants. The session is held in the framework of the MSCA-Cofund fellowship programme Got Energy Talent ( UAH and URJC research community are welcome to participate. If you want to join in, please email The session will be held in English.

ERC stands for European Research Council. Its mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence.
The aim of this training session is to provide MSCA Cofund fellows and members of URJC and UAH research community with an overview and practical information about these grants and the application procedure, with success stories from URJC and UAH.

Fecha Inicio: 23-07-2020

Fecha Fin: 23-07-2020

Hora: 09:30

Más Información: AGENDA 09:30-09:45 Welcoming words Elena García Barriocanal, Academic Director of the European Project Office of UAH, and Rosa María Mesa Vélez, Chief Director of the European Projects Office at Rey Juan Carlos University 09:45-10:45 European Research Council ¿ Overview ¿ Starting & Consolidator Grants Estefanía Muñoz Sánchez, Spanish Expert and National Contact Point European Research Council (ERC) Programme. Oficina Europea - FECYT. 10:45-12:45 Success stories ¿ Exchange of experience Prof. Miguel González Herráez, UAH, Department of Electronics Prof. Miguel Angel Otaduy, URJC, Department of Computer Science 12:45¿13:00 Final remarks If you want to register, please email About GET MSCA-COFUND. GOT ENERGY TALENT (GET) is a fellowship programme co-funded by the EU as part of the H2020-MSCA-COFUND programme (Grant Agreement number 754382). GET is run by the University of Alcalá (UAH) as beneficiary of the action hand in hand with Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Both universities co-fund the action in equal parts.

Lugar del evento: Online - Via Blackboard Collaborate (if you want to join in the session, please contact

Convocante: Universidad de Alcalá y Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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