Gema Mercedes López Manzanares
Gema Mercedes López Manzanares
Categories: Profesor/a Titular Universidad
Department: Architecture
Telephone: 9264
Office: 9
Research groups
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Research Lines of the Group
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Research Projects
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HUERTA FERNÁNDEZ, Santiago; LÓPEZ MANZANARES, Gema Mercedes; ."La ciencia de las estructuras. Jacques Heyman". Madrid. 2001. 144. ISBN: 84-95365-98-7.
Book chapters
LÓPEZ MANZANARES, Gema Mercedes; "La contribución de R.G. Boscovich al desarrollo de la teoría de cúpulas: el informe sobre la Biblioteca Cesarea de Viena". Actas del Cuarto Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, Cádiz, 27-29 enero, 2005 (ISBN: 84-9728-146-2 ). . 2005. , vol II. p. 655 - 665 . .
LÓPEZ MANZANARES, Gema Mercedes; "The relation between theory and practice in the construction of Sainte-Geneviève's church in Paris: Patte's contribution". Seminario Internazionale Teoria e pratica del costruire: saperi, strumenti, modelli. Esperienze didattiche e di ricerca a confronto = International Seminar Theory and practice of construction: knowledge, means, models. Didactic and research experiences (ISBN: 8-8899-0001-6 ). Ravenna "(Italia)". 2005. , vol Volume 2. p. 773 - 783 . .
Electronic Articles
LÓPEZ MANZANARES, Gema Mercedes; ."Technical reports and theoretical studies about the structural behaviour of masonry domes in the 18th century ". 2022
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