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Workday HCM Team Leader (OFERTA DE EMPLEO 386_2019)

Categories: Oferta de empleo

Description: Skill Set: Collaborates with Customer Managers on determining capacity to meet demand for consulting services, monitors consulting team utilisation forecast and creates "call to action" plans in order to achieve forecast commitments, works with Consulting Managers to identify high performers and assists in driving execution of career plans to maximise their growth and development, collaborate with Resource Management for practice and ensure staffing processes/policies line up with overall practice goals, ensure consulting practices are following best practices and adhering to BNB processes and policies, advanced English and Spanish skills.

Start date: 14-10-2019

End date: 14-11-2019

Further information: Puedes acceder a la información completa de esta oferta en nuestro Career Center: (1) si aún eres ALUMNO de la UAH en Mi Portal: y (2) si eres EGRESADO a través del portal AlumniUAH previa inscripción en la Comunidad AlumniUAH. Para más información contacta con

Place: Madrid

Organizer: Vicerrectorado de Economía, Emprendimiento y Empleabilidad