Mihai Andrei Tanase

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Mihai Andrei Tanase

Mihai Andrei Tanase

Mihai Andrei Tanase

Categories: Profesor/a Visitante

Department: Geology, Geography and Environment Science



Research groups

Participates in: Teledetección Ambiental - Environmental Remote Sensing

Research Lines of the Group

Teledetección Ambiental - Environmental Remote Sensing

  • Teledetección y SIG

Research Projects

  • Title: Teledetección aplicada a la gestión de incendios forestales: combustibles, impactos, y recuperación
    Reference: PID2023-149573OB-I00
    Principal Researcher: TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Other Researchers: LAMELAS GRACIA, María Teresa; GARCÍA MARTÍN, Alberto;
    Start date: 01/09/2024
    End date: 31/08/2028
    Financing entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
    Economic Amount: 141250
  • Title: Integración de tecnologías de la Observación de la Tierra para la conservación y gestión de los bosques españoles
    Reference: CNS2022-135251
    Principal Researcher: TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Other Researchers:
    Start date: 01/07/2023
    End date: 30/06/2025
    Economic Amount: 198695
  • Title: Ampliacion Unidad de Computacion de Alto Rendimiento, Geografia
    Principal Researcher: TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Other Researchers:
    Start date: 18/07/2022
    End date: 31/12/2022
    Financing entity: Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia
    Economic Amount: 17040.32
  • Title: Monitoreo de las perturbaciones forestales en tiempo casi real
    Reference: PID2020-114062RA-I00
    Principal Researcher: TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Other Researchers: LAMELAS GRACIA, María Teresa; GARCÍA MARTÍN, Alberto;
    Start date: 01/09/2021
    End date: 31/08/2024
    Economic Amount: 108900
  • Title: Computación de alto rendimiento para la teledeteccion ambiental
    Principal Researcher: TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Other Researchers:
    Start date: 19/06/2020
    End date: 31/12/2020
    Financing entity: Universidad de Alcalá
    Economic Amount: 39743.14
  • Title: EO-ROFORMON - Prototyping an Earth-Observation based monitoring and forecasting system for the Romanian forests
    Reference: P37_651
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu; APONTE , Cristina; SILAGHI , Diana;
    Start date: 01/01/2017
    End date: 30/08/2020
    Financing entity: Romanian National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation Authority
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Climate Change Initiative, Fire_cci (Phase 2) Option 3
    Reference: 4000115006/15/I-NB
    Principal Researcher: CHUVIECO SALINERO, Emilio;
    Other Researchers: BELENGUER PLOMER, Miguel Ángel; TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Start date: 08/09/2015
    End date: 31/12/2018
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits Through Earth Observations
    Reference: 641762
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PROVENZALE , Antonello; BEIERKUHNLEIN , Carl;
    Start date: 01/06/2015
    End date: 30/05/2019
    Financing entity: European Comission
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Mapping bushfire severity: A novel radar remote sensing approach
    Reference: RMS 602155
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; APONTE , C.;
    Start date: 01/01/2014
    End date: 31/12/2014
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Quantifying and monitoring carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems affected by wildfires using multi-temporal SAR data
    Reference: PI1091
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; LOWELL , Kim; KENNEDY , Robert; DE LA RIVA FERNANDEZ, Juan;
    Start date: 01/04/2013
    End date: 30/03/2018
    Financing entity: Japanese Space Agency (JAXA)
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Single pass X-band interferometric data for crop growth monitoring during the vegetation season
    Reference: DLR XTI 0896
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai;
    Start date: 01/01/2012
    End date: 30/01/2015
    Financing entity: German Space Agency (DLR)
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Towards operational monitoring of key climate parameters from synthetic aperture radar
    Reference: FS100100040
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; LOWELL , Kim;
    Start date: 01/01/2010
    End date: 30/01/2013
    Financing entity: Australian Research Council
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Monitoring of vegetation recovery in forests affected by fire and wind storm using X-, C- and L-band SAR data
    Reference: SOAR-EU 6793
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai;
    Start date: 01/01/2009
    End date: 30/01/2011
    Financing entity: Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Assessing fire severity and vegetation recovery monitoring in Mediterranean environments affected by fires
    Reference: ESA C1P. 5446
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai;
    Start date: 01/01/2008
    End date: 01/01/2011
    Financing entity: European Space Agency(ESA)
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Fire severity assessment and vegetation recovery monitoring in Mediterranean environments using TerraSAR-X, ALOS PALSAR and ERS data
    Reference: LAN0464
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai;
    Start date: 01/01/2008
    End date: 01/01/2011
    Financing entity: German Space Agency (DLR)
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: ALOS Kyoto & Carbon Initiative
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ROSENQVIST , Ake; SHIMADA , Masanobu;
    Start date: 01/01/2006
    End date: 31/12/2018
    Financing entity: JAXA Earth Observation Research Center (EORC)
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Fire PARADOX - šTowards Integrated Fire Management
    Reference: FP6-018505
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; RIGOLOT , Eric; FERNANDES , Paulo; REGO , Francisco C.; SILVA , Joaquim S.;
    Start date: 01/03/2006
    End date: 28/02/2010
    Financing entity: European Commission
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Vegetation recovery and erosion in burned areas: Integrated analysis of fire severity and environmental parameters using remote sensing and GIS
    Reference: CGL2005-04863/CLI
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; RIVA FERNÁNDEZ, Juan Ramón de la;
    Start date: 01/01/2005
    End date: 01/01/2008
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Annual assessment of forest health in the transnational network of permanent plots (16 x 16 km ) and reporting to EU scheme and I.C.P. - Forests
    Reference: MO.1
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai; BADEA , Ovidiu;
    Start date: 01/01/2004
    End date: 01/01/2005
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: GEOLAND GMES products and services, integrating EO monitoring capacities to support the implementation of European directives and policies related to `land cover and vegetation
    Reference: SIP3-CT-2003-502871
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei;
    Start date: 01/01/2004
    End date: 31/03/2007
    Financing entity: European Commission
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Study on forest health evaluation in the intensive monitoring network of forest ecosystems (Level II).
    Reference: MO.5
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai; MAFTEI , Mariana;
    Start date: 01/01/2004
    End date: 01/01/2005
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Study on the use of GIS for forest health monitoring system - including GPS positioning of the national network of permanent plots
    Reference: M.4
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu;
    Start date: 01/01/2004
    End date: 01/01/2007
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: The use of GIS techniques for the synthesis and analysis of forest monitoring data
    Reference: A16
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , Mihai; GANCZ , Vladimir;
    Start date: 01/01/2004
    End date: 31/12/2006
    Financing entity:
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Annual assessment of forest health in the transnational network of permanent plots (16 x 16 km ) and reporting to EU scheme and I.C.P. - Forests
    Reference: P.35
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu;
    Start date: 01/01/2003
    End date: 01/01/2004
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Assessment of tree/stand growth in the intensive forest monitoring system (Level II)
    Reference: M.11
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu; TANASE , Mihai; MAFTEI , Mariana;
    Start date: 01/01/2003
    End date: 01/01/2004
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Assessment of tree/stand health in the pan- European and intensive monitoring networks
    Reference: M.13
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu; TANASE , Mihai;
    Start date: 01/01/2003
    End date: 01/01/2004
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: National system of statistical indicators for forest management and logging
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; SECELEANU , Ioan;
    Start date: 01/01/2003
    End date: 01/01/2004
    Financing entity: National Institute of Statistics
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Annual assessment of forest health in the transnational network of permanent plots (16 x 16 km ) and reporting to EU scheme and I.C.P. - Forests
    Reference: 49RD
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu;
    Start date: 01/01/2002
    End date: 01/01/2003
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Long term effects of air pollution on selected forest ecosystems in the Carpathian Mountains, Europe (Retezat National Park)
    Reference: 00-JV-11272172-35
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BYTNEROWICZ , Andrzej;
    Start date: 01/01/2000
    End date: 01/01/2003
    Financing entity: US Department of Agriculture
    Economic Amount:
  • Title: Technical Assistance on Forest Health Assessment for Romanian National Monitoring Network
    Principal Researcher:
    Other Researchers: TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ovidiu; TANASE , Mihai;
    Start date: 01/01/2000
    End date: 01/01/2005
    Financing entity: Romanian National Forest Administration
    Economic Amount:


  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; TANASE , M.A.; ."SAR sensitivity to burn severity and forest recovery in Mediterranean environments - backscatter and interferometric coherence analysis". . 2010. 1. ISBN: 978-84-694-3345-4.

Book chapters

  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PEREZ-CABELLO , F.; ECHEVERRRIA , M.T.; DE LA RIVA , J.; GARCIA-MARTIN , A.; MONTORIO , R.; LASANTA , T.; PALACIOS , V.; LEON , F.J; TANASE , M.; "Efectos de los incendios forestales sobre los suelos en España (Effects of wildfire on soils in Spain)". Procesos ambientales ligados a incendios forestales. Planteamientos, métodos y resultados en Aragón (Environmental processes related to forest fires. Approaches, methods and results in Aragon). 2009. p. 405 - 442 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , O.; PATRASCOIU , N.; TANASE , M.; "SILVOLOGIE". Starea de sanatate a padurilor din Romania in contextul schimbarilor climatice (Health of forests in Romania in the context of climate change). 2005. .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , O.; TANASE , M.; "SILVOLOGIE". Analiza dinamicii starii de sanatate a arboretelor si determinarea pierderilor de crestere cauzate de vatamarea acestora (The analysis of trees health dynamics and growth losses caused by environmental factors). 2003. p. 161 - 186 .


  • BORLAF-MENA , I.; GARCIA-DURO , Juan; SANTORO , Maurizio; VILLARD , Ludovic; BADEA , Ov.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Seasonality and directionality effects on radar backscatter are key to identify mountain forest types with Sentinel-1 data". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2023 , vol 296 .  .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Development of Aboveground Biomass Density Models for the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation ". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2022 , vol 270
  • BORLAF MENA, Ignacio; BADEA , Ov.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Assessing the utility of Sentinel-1 coherence yearly statistics for forest mapping". (ISSN: ISSN 2072-4292). Remote Sensing. 2021 , vol 13 , num 23
  • GARCIA-DURO , Juan; CICEU , Albert; CHIVULESCU , S.; BADEA , Ov.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; APONTE , C.; ."Shifts in forest species composition and abundance under cli-mate change scenarios in Romanian temperate forests". Forests. 2021
  • BELENGUER PLOMER, Miguel Angel; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; CHUVIECO SALINERO, Emilio; BOVOLO , Francesa; ."CNN-based burned area mapping using radar and optical data". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2021 , vol 260 .  .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BORLAF MENA, Ignacio; SANTORO SANTORO, Francisco Javier; APONTE GARCÍA, María de la Concepción; MARIN , Gheorghe; APOSTOL , B.; BADEA , Ov.; ."Growing stock volume retrieval in the Carpathians from single and multi-frequency radar backscatter". Forests. 2021 , vol 12 , num 7
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."High-severity wildfires in temperate Australian forests have increased in extent and aggregation in recent decades". PLOS ONE. 2020 , vol 15 , num 11 .  .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Structural diversity underpins carbon storage in Australian temperate forests". (ISSN: 1466-822X). Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2020 , vol 29 , num 5 , p. 789 - 802 .  .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; VILLARD , Ludovic; PITAR , Diana; APOSTOL , Bogdan; PETRILA , Marius; CHIVULESCU , Serban; LECA , Stefan; BORLAF MENA, Ignacio; PASCU , Ionut Silviu; DOBRE , A.C.; GUIMAN , Ghe.; ."Synthetic aperture radar sensitivity to forest changes: A simulations-based study for the Romanian forests". (ISSN: 0048-9697). Science of the Total Environment. 2019 , vol 689 , num 1 , p. 1104 - 1114 .  .
  • ZHU , L.; WALKER , P.; YE , N.; RÜDIGER , C.; HACKER , J.; PACIERA , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Wu, X.; GRAY , D.; STACY , N.; GOH , A.; YARDLEY , H.; MEAD , J.; ."The Polarimetric L-band Imaging Synthetic aperture radar (PLIS): description, calibration, and use for cross-validation of space borne SAR datasets". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018
  • HOFFMANN , T.M.; CHIARUCCI , A.; IRL , S.D.H.; ROCCHINI , D.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; VETAAS , O.R.; BEIERKUHNLEIN , C.; ."Beta diversity and spectral diversity represent different plant community patterns in a semi-natural system". Applied Vegetation Science. 2018
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; APONTE , Cristina; MERMOZ , Stephane; BOUVET , Alexandre; LE TOAN , Thuy; HEURICH , Marco; ."Detection of windthrows and insect outbreaks by L-band SAR: a case study in the Bavarian Forest National Park". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2018 , vol 209 , p. 700 - 711 .  .
  • HE , Lian; QI , Qiming; PANCIERA , Rocco; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Walker, J.P.; HONG , Yang; ."An Extension of the Alpha Approximation Method for Soil Moisture Estimation Using Time-Series SAR Data Over Bare Soil Surfaces". (ISSN: 1545-598X). IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2017 , vol 14 , num 8 , p. 1328 - 1332
  • MONTEALEGRE , Antonio L.; LAMELAS , Teresa M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; DE LA RIVA , Juan; ."Forest fire severity estimation based on the LiDAR-PNOA data and the values of the Composite Burn Index". Revista de Teledetección. 2017 , vol 49 , p. 1 - 16
  • T. BENNETT , Lauren; BRUCE , Matthew J.; MACHUNTER , Josephine; KOHOUT , Michele; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; APONTE , Cristina; ."Mortality and recruitment of fire-tolerant eucalypts as influenced by wildfire severity and recent prescribed fire". Forest Ecology and Management. 2016 , vol 380 , p. 107 - 117 .  .
  • HE , Lian; PANCIERA , Rocco; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; WALKER , Jeffrey P.; QIN , Qiming; ."Soil moisture retrieval in agricultural fields using adaptive model-based polarimetric decomposition of SAR data". (ISSN: 0196-2892). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2016 , vol 54 , num 8 , p. 4445 - 4460
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; KENNEDY , Robert; APONTE , Cristina; ."Radar Burn Ratio for fire severity estimation at canopy level: an example for temperate forests". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2015 , vol 170 , p. 14 - 31
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; KENNEDY , Robert; APONTE , Cristina; ."Fire severity estimation from space: a comparison of active and passive sensors and their synergy for different forest types". (ISSN: 1049-8001). International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ISMAIL , Ismail; LOWELL , Kim; KARYANTO , Oka; SANTORO , Maurizio; ."Detecting and Quantifying Forest Change: The Potential of Existing C- and X-Band Radar Datasets". PlosOne. 2015 , vol 10 , num 6 , p. 1 - 14
  • FIEBER , Karolina D.; DAVENPORT , Ian J.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; FERRYMAN , James M.; GURNEY , Robert J.; BECERRA , Victor M.; WALKER , Jeffrey P.; HACKER , Jorg M.; ."Validation of Canopy Height Profile methodology for small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data in a discontinuous canopy environment". (ISSN: 0924-2716). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2015 , vol 104 , p. 144 - 157
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; LOWELL , K.; APONTE , C.; ."Monitoring live fuel moisture in semi-arid environments using L-band radar data". (ISSN: 1049-8001). International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2015
  • MONTEALEGRE , Antonio Luis; LAMELAS , María Teresa; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; DE LA RIVA , Juan; ."Forest fire severity assessment using LiDAR data in a Mediterranean environment". (ISSN: 2072-4292). Remote sensing. 2014 , vol 6 , p. 4240 - 4265
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Panciera, R.; , Lowell, K.; , Tian, S.; , Hacker, J.M.; , Walker, J.P.; ."Airborne multi-temporal L-band polarimetric SAR data for biomass estimation in semi-arid forests". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2014 , vol 145 , p. 93 - 104 .
  • , Fieber, K.D.; , Davenport, I.J.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Ferryman, J.M.; , Gurney, R.J.; , Walker, J.P.; , Hacker, J.M.; ."Effective LAI and CHP of a single tree from small-footprint full-waveform LiDAR". (ISSN: 1545-598X). IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2014 , vol 11 , num 9 , p. 1634 - 1638
  • , Panciera, R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Lowell, K.; , Walker, J.P.; ."Evaluation of IEM, dubois, and oh radar backscatter models using airborne L-Band SAR". (ISSN: 0196-2892). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2013 , vol 52 , num 8 , p. 4966 - 4979 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Panciera, R.; , Lowell, K.; , Tian, S.; , Garcia Martin, A.; , Walker, J.P.; ."Sensitivity of L-band radar backscatter to forest biomass in semiarid environments: A comparative analysis of parametric and nonparametric models". (ISSN: 0196-2892). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2013 , vol 52 , num 8 , p. 4671 - 4685 .
  • , Turner, R.; , Panciera, R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Lowell, K.; , Hacker, J.M.; , Walker, J.P.; ."Estimation of soil surface roughness of agricultural soils using airborne LiDAR". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2013 , vol 140 , p. 107 - 117
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Panciera, R.; , Lowell, K.; , Aponte, C.; , Hacker, J.M.; , Walker, J.P.; ."Forest Biomass Estimation at High Spatial Resolution: Radar Versus Lidar Sensors". (ISSN: 1545-598X). IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2013
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Santoro, M.; , Aponte, C.; , de la Riva, J.; ."Polarimetric properties of burned forest areas at C- and L-band". (ISSN: 1939-1404). IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH . 2013 , vol 7 , num 1 , p. 267 - 276 .
  • , Panciera, R.; , Walker, J.P.; , Jackson, T.J.; , Gray, D.A.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Ryu, D.; , Monerris, A.; , Yardley, H.; , Rüdiger, C.; , Wu, X.; , Gao, Y.; , Hacker, J.M.; ."The soil moisture active passive experiments (SMAPEx): Toward soil moisture retrieval from the SMAP mission". (ISSN: 0196-2892). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2013 , vol 52 , num 1 , p. 490 - 507
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , de la Riva, J.; , Santoro, M.; , Pérez Cabello, F.; , Kasischke, E.; ."Sensitivity of SAR data to post-fire forest regrowth in Mediterranean and boreal forests". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2011 , vol 115 , num 8 , p. 2075 - 2085 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , de la Riva, J.; , Pérez Cabello, F.; ."Estimating burn severity at the regional level using optically based indices". (ISSN: 0045-5067). Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2011 , vol 41 , num 4 , p. 863 - 872 .
  • , Kasischke, E.S.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Bourgeau Chavez, L.L.; , Borr, M.; ."Soil moisture limitations on monitoring boreal forest regrowth using spaceborne L-band SAR data". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2010 , vol 115 , num 1 , p. 227 - 232 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Santoro, M.; , de la Riva, J.; , Pérez Cabello, F.; , Le Toan, T.; ."Sensitivity of X-, C-, and L-band SAR backscatter to burn severity in Mediterranean pine forests". (ISSN: 0196-2892). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2010 , vol 48 , num 10 , p. 3663 - 3675 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Santoro, M.; , Wegmüller, U.; , de la Riva, J.; , Pérez Cabello, F.; ."Properties of X-, C- and L-band repeat-pass interferometric SAR coherence in Mediterranean pine forests affected by fires". (ISSN: 0034-4257). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2010 , vol 114 , num 10 , p. 2182 - 2194 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Pérez Cabello, F.; , de la Riva, J.; , Santoro, M.; ."TerraSAR-X data for burn severity evaluation in mediterranean forests on sloped terrain". (ISSN: 0196-2892). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2009 , vol 48 , num 2 , p. 917 - 929 .
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; GITAS , I.; ."An examination of the effects of spatial resolution and image analysis technique on indirect fuel mapping". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2009 , vol 1 , num 4 , p. 220 - 229 .
  • , Bytnerowicz, A.; , Badea, O.; , Popescu, F.; , Musselman, R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Barbu, I.; , Fra¿czek, W.; , Gembasu, N.; , Surdu, A.; , Danescu, F.; , Postelnicu, D.; , Cenusa, R.; , Vasile, C.; ."Air pollution, precipitation chemistry and forest health in the Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians, Romania". (ISSN: 0269-7491). Environmental Pollution. 2005 , vol 137 , num 3 , p. 546 - 567
  • , Badea, O.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; , Georgeta, J.; , Anisoara, L.; , Peiov, A.; , Uhlirova, H.; , Pajtik, J.; , Wawrzoniak, J.; , Shparyk, Y.; ."Forest health status in the Carpahian Mountains over the period 1997-2001". (ISSN: 0269-7491). Environmental Pollution. 2004 , vol 130 , num 1 , p. 93 - 98 .
  • BADEA , O.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Forest health status in Romania in 2001". Revista Padurilor. 2002 , vol 2 , p. 6 - 10

Electronic Articles

There are no data in this section


  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Sentinel-1/2 times series for forest condition monitoring". Congreso. Internacional. "ForesSAT". Berlin "(Alemania)". (29/08/2022 - 02/09/2022).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Influence of the mosaicking algorithm on Sentinel-1 land cover classification over rough terrain". Congreso. Internacional. "IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium ". Virtual "(Bélgica)". (12/07/2021 - 16/07/2021).
  • BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; CHUVIECO , E.; ."Burned area detection using Sentinel-1 data and locally adaptive algorithms". Internacional. "ForestSAT". College Park "(Estados Unidos)". (01/10/2018 - 05/10/2018).
  • FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; MCCAW , L.; BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."L-band SAR sensitivity to prescribed burning effects in eucalypt forests of Western Australia". Internacional. "ForestSAT". College Park "(Estados Unidos)". (01/10/2018 - 05/10/2018).
  • FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; CHUVIECO , E.; ."The effects of sample size on burned areas accuracy estimates in the Amazon". Internacional. "ForestSAT". College Park "(Estados Unidos)". (01/10/2018 - 05/10/2018).
  • APOSTOL , B.; PASCU , I.; LORENT , A.; PETRILA , M.; LECA , S.; CHIVULESCU , S.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ov.; ."Field Map system and Terrestrial Laser Scanning: data collections methods comparison for forest inventory". Internacional. "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (18/09/2018 - 21/09/2018).
  • BORLAF MENA, I.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ov.; SALAS-REY , J.; ."Forest cover extraction using remote sensing in the Southern Carpathians". Internacional. "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (18/09/2018 - 21/09/2018).
  • PASCU , I.; DOBRE , A.; CICEU , A.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ov.; ."Retrieval of forest structural parameters from single terrestrial laser scans". Internacional. "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (18/09/2018 - 21/09/2018).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; SILAGHI , D.; APONTE , C.; APOSTOL , B.; PETRILA , M.; LECA , S.; CHIVULESCU , S.; PITAR , D.; GUIMAN , Ghe.; BORLAF MENA, I.; PASCU , I.; DOBRE , A.; LORENT , A.; ANGHELUS , C.; CICEU , A.; VILLAR , L.; STANCULESCU , R.; BADEA , Ov.; ."Towards an integrated monitoring system from Earth-Observation data for the Romanian forests". Internacional. "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (18/09/2018 - 21/09/2018).
  • PASCU , I.; DOBRE , A.; CICEU , A.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , Ov.; ."Understanding forest structural diversity through Terrestrial Laser Scanning". Internacional. "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (18/09/2018 - 21/09/2018).
  • BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; CHUVIECO , E.; ."Insights into burned areas detection from Sentinel-1 data and locally adaptive algorithms". Internacional. "SPIE Remote Sensing". Berlin "(Alemania)". (10/09/2018 - 13/09/2018).
  • FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; MCCAW , L.; BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."L-band SAR sensitivity to prescribed burning effects in eucalypt forests of Western Australia". Internacional. "SPIE Remote Sensing". Berlin "(Alemania)". (10/09/2018 - 13/09/2018).
  • BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; CHUVIECO , E.; ."Temporal decorrelation of the backscatter coefficient in burned areas". Internacional. "SPIE Remote Sensing". Berlin "(Alemania)". (10/09/2018 - 13/09/2018).
  • FERNANDEZ-CARRILLO , A.; BELENGUER-PLOMER , M.; CHUVIECO , E.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."The effects of sample size on burned areas accuracy estimates in the Amazon". Internacional. "SPIE Remote Sensing". Berlin "(Alemania)". (10/09/2018 - 13/09/2018).
  • BELENGUER PLOMER, Miguel Ángel; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; CHUVIECO SALINERO, Emilio; ."Detección de áreas quemadas con series temporales de imágenes Sentinel-1". Congreso. Nacional. "XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección". Murcia (03/10/2017 - 07/10/2017).
  • BELENGUER PLOMER, Miguel Ángel; CHUVIECO SALINERO, Emilio; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; ."Sentinel-1 Based Algorithm to Detect Burned Areas". Congreso. Internacional. "11th EARSeL Forest Fires SIG Workshop. New Trends in Forest Fire Research Incorporating Big Data and Climate Change Modeling". Chania "(Grecia)". (25/09/2017 - 27/09/2017).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; DE LA RIVA , Juan; SANTORO , Maurizio; KENNEDY , Robert; APONTE , Cristina; ."Fire impact estimation from SAR remote sensing". Internacional. "Advances in forest fire severity estimation from remote sensing". (27/05/2016 - 28/05/2016).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , Rocco; LOWELL , Kim; APONTE , Cristina; ."Monitoring live canopy moisture with imaging radars". Internacional. "5th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference". Melbourne "(Australia)". (11/04/2016 - 15/04/2016).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; KENNEDY , Robert; APONTE , Cristina; ."Radar Burn Ratio: A novel index for automatic fire impact assessment". Internacional. "5th International Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference". Melbourne "(Australia)". (11/04/2016 - 15/04/2016).
  • VITTUCCI , C.; GUERRIERO , L.; FERRAZZOLI , P.; RAHMOUNE , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; MONERRIS , A.; RÜDIGER , C.; GAO , Y.; WALKER , J.P.; ."Active and Passive Forest Observations During SMAPEX- 3 Campaign". Internacional. "MicroRad, 13th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment". Pasadena "(Estados Unidos)". (24/03/2014 - 27/03/2014).
  • GARCIA-MARTIN , A.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; GIMENO-GUTIERREZ , M.; ."Evaluation of ALOS-PALSAR for residual biomass estimation in Mediterranean environments (Evaluacion del potencial de las imagenes ALOS-PALSAR para estimar biomasa residual forestal (BRF) en medios Mediterraneos)". Internacional. "XVth Symposium of the Spanish Remote Sensing Association". (22/10/2013 - 24/10/2013).
  • MONTEALEGRE , A.; LAMELAS , T.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; DE LA RIVA , J.; ."Forest fire severity assessment using LiDAR data in a Mediterranean environment". Internacional. "9th EARSeL Forest Fire Special Interest Group Workshop on `Quantifying the environmental impact of forest fires¿". Leicester "(Reino Unido)". (15/10/2013 - 17/10/2013).
  • MARTENS , B.; LIEVENS , H.; WALKER , J.P.; PANCIERA , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; MONERRIS , A.; GAO , Y.; , Wu, X.; VERHOEST , N.E.C.; ."An alternative roughness parameterization for soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave observations". Internacional. "ESA Living Planet Symposium". Edinburgh "(Reino Unido)". (09/09/2013 - 13/09/2013).
  • PANCIERA , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; LOWELL , K.; WALKER , J.P.; ."Multi temporal soil moisture retrieval using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)". Internacional. "ESA Living Planet Symposium". Edinburgh "(Reino Unido)". (09/09/2013 - 13/09/2013).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; SANTORO , M.; APONTE , C.; DE LA RIVA , J.; ."Polarimetric properties of burned forest areas at C- and L-band". Internacional. "ESA Living Planet Symposium". Edinburgh "(Reino Unido)". (09/09/2013 - 13/09/2013).
  • VITTUCCI , C.; GUERRIERO , L.; FERRAZZOLI , P.; RAHMOUNE , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; MONERRIS , A.; RÜDIGER , C.; WALKER , J.P.; ."Airborne forest monitoring during SMAPEx-3 campaign". Internacional. "33rd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium". Melbourne "(Australia)". (21/07/2013 - 26/07/2013).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; LOWELL , K.; HACKER , J.; WALKER , J.P.; ."Estimation of forest biomass from L-band polarimetric decomposition components". Internacional. "33rd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium". Melbourne "(Australia)". (21/07/2013 - 26/07/2013).
  • TIAN , S.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; HACKER , J.; LOWELL , K.; ."Forest biomass estimation using radar and lidar synergies". Internacional. "33rd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium". Melbourne "(Australia)". (21/07/2013 - 26/07/2013).
  • FIEBER , K.D.; DAVENPORT , I.J.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; FERRYMAN , J.M.; GURNEY , R.J.; WALKER , J.P.; HACKER , J.; ."Preliminary leaf area index estimates from airborne small footprint full-waveform LiDAR data". Internacional. "33rd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium". Melbourne "(Australia)". (21/07/2013 - 26/07/2013).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; MACGILL , F.; LOWELL , K.; WALKER , J.; ."Sensitivity of TerraSAR-X-band data to surface parameters in bare agricultural areas". Internacional. "33rd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium". Melbourne "(Australia)". (21/07/2013 - 26/07/2013).
  • VITTUCCI , C.; GUERRIERO , L.; FERRAZZOLI , P.; RAHMOUNE , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; MONERRIS , A.; RÜDIGER , C.; WALKER , J.P.; ."Soil Moisture Monitoring Over Australian Forests Using Airborne Data". Internacional. "Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop". Rome "(Italia)". (01/07/2013 - 03/07/2013).
  • PANCIERA , R.; TURNER , R.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; HACKER , J; GAO , Y.; ."Estimation of Soil Surface Roughness from Airborne LiDAR: An Exploratory Study for SAR-based Modelling of Forest Biomass and Soil Moisture". Internacional. "Silvilaser - first return". Vancouver "(Canadá)". (16/09/2012 - 18/09/2012).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PANCIERA , R.; LOWELL , K.; GARCIA-MARTIN , A.; WALKER , J.P.; ."L-band SAR backscatter sensitivity to forest structure in semi-arid environments: biomass retrieval error analysis at plot level". Internacional. "ForestSAT". Corvallis "(Estados Unidos)". (11/09/2012 - 14/09/2012).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PEREZ-CABELLO , F.; SANTORO , M.; DE LA RIVA , J.; ."Assessing burn severity in Mediterranean pine forests using SAR satellite data". Internacional. "XXIII IUFRO World Congress - Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment". Seul "(República de Corea)". (23/08/2010 - 28/08/2010).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; PEREZ-CABELLO , F.; SANTORO , M.; DE LA RIVA , J.; ."Assessing post-fire forest recovery in Mediterranean pine forests using SAR satellite data". Internacional. "XXIII IUFRO World Congress - Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment". Seul "(República de Corea)". (23/08/2010 - 28/08/2010).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; SANTORO , M.; DE LA RIVA , J.; KASISCHKE , E.; KORETS , M.A.; ."L-band SAR backscatter prospects for burn severity estimation in boreal forests". Internacional. "ESA Living Planet Symposium". Bergen "(Noruega)". (28/06/2010 - 02/07/2010).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; DE LA RIVA , J.; PEREZ-CABELLO , F.; SANTORO , M.; ."Backscatter properties of X- and C-band SAR in a Mediterranean pine forest affected by fire". Internacional. "7th EARSeL workshop on advances in RS and GIS applications in forest fire management". Matera "(Italia)". (02/09/2009 - 03/09/2009).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; SANTORO , M.; , Wegmüller, U.; DE LA RIVA , J.; PEREZ-CABELLO , F.; ."Properties of X- and C- band repeat-pass interferometric SAR coherence in Mediterranean pine forests affected by fires". Internacional. "7th EARSeL workshop on advances in RS and GIS applications in forest fire management". Matera "(Italia)". (02/09/2009 - 03/09/2009).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; SANTORO , M.; DE LA RIVA , J.; PEREZ-CABELLO , F.; ."Backscatter properties of multitemporal TerraSAR-X data and the effects of influencing factors on burn severity evaluation, in a mediterranean pine forest". Internacional. "29rd IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium". Cape Town "(Sudáfrica)". (12/07/2009 - 17/07/2009).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; LE TOAN, T.; DE LA RIVA , J.; SANTORO , M.; ."An estimation of change in forest area in Central Siberia using multi temporal SAR data". Internacional. "ALOS PI 2008 Symposium". Island of Rhodes "(Grecia)". (03/11/2008 - 07/11/2008).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; GITAS , I.; ."The effects of spatial resolution and the image analyses techniques on pre-fire wild land mapping". Internacional. "6th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group (SIG) on Forest Fires". Thessaloniki "(Grecia)". (27/09/2007 - 29/09/2007).
  • GUERRERO , I.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; GITAS , I.; MANAKOS , I.; ."A pre-operational methodology for land cover mapping under Mediterranean conditions". Internacional. "26th EARSeL symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories". Warsaw "(Polonia)". (29/05/2006 - 02/06/2006).
  • BADEA , O.; DUMITRU , M.; POPESCU , F.; A. BYTNEROWICZ , A.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; MUSSELMAN , R.; FRACZEK , W.; BARBU , I.; CENUSA , R.; GANCZ , V.; ."Long term effects if air pollution on selecetd forest ecosystems in national park retezat". Internacional. "Scientific Research for Sustainable Forest Management". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (29/10/2003 - 31/10/2003).
  • TANASE , Mihai Andrei; BADEA , O.; ."Using GIS techniques for forest monitoring data analysis". Internacional. "Scientific Research for Sustainable Forest Management". Bucharest "(Rumanía)". (29/10/2003 - 31/10/2003).
  • BYTNEROWICZ , A.; BADEA , O.; POPESCU , Fl.; TANASE , Mihai Andrei; MUSSELMAN , R.; CENUSA , R.; BARBU , I.; ."Long-term effects of air pollution on selected forest ecosystems in the Carpathian Mountains Europe The Retezat National Park, Romania". Internacional. "NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Effects of air pollution on forest health and biodiversity in forest of the Carpathian Mountains". Stara Lesna "(Eslovaquia)". (22/05/2002 - 26/05/2002).


  • BANG TRAN, Nguyen; "Quantifying fire-severity patterns using optical remote sensing data in temperate eucalypt forests of south-eastern Australia". Director: TANASE , Mihai Andrei, BENNETT , Lauren, APONTE , Cristina, . Universidad de Melbourne. Reading date: 15/03/2021. .