Rafael Bravo de la Parra
Rafael Bravo de la Parra
Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
Research groups
Participates in: Ecología y Restauración Forestal - Forest Ecology and Restoration.
Research Lines of the Group
Ecología y Restauración Forestal - Forest Ecology and Restoration.
- Adaptación al cambio climático y mitigación.
- Cambio global y biodiversidad forestal.
- Dinámica, modelización forestal y escenarios de prospectiva de los socioecosistemas.
- Ecología de la fauna forestal. Aves forestales como bioindicadores.
- Modelos matemáticos: escalas de tiempo y reducción de modelos de dinámica de poblaciones.
- Restauración de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos de los bosques.
Research Projects
Title: Escalas temporales en modelos eco-epidemiológicos
Reference: PID2020-114814GB-I00
Principal Researcher: BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael;
Other Researchers: SANZ LORENZO, Luis; GARCÍA-MARTOS , Carolina Silvia;
Start date: 01/09/2021
End date: 31/08/2024
Economic Amount: 22869
Title: Escalas temporales y reducción en modelos de dinámica de poblaciones
Reference: MTM2011-24321
Principal Researcher: SANZ LORENZO , Luis;
Other Researchers: MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; SÁNCHEZ MAÑES, Eva; ALONSO DE MIGUEL, Juan Antonio;
Start date: 01/01/2012
End date: 31/12/2014
Financing entity: Ministerio de ciencia e innovación
Economic Amount: 27900
Title: Modelización, análisis y simulación numérica de la dinámica de poblaciones estructuradas
Reference: MTM2011-25238
Principal Researcher: LÓPEZ MARCOS, Miguel Ángel;
Other Researchers: MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ, Julia; ANGULO , Óscar; ANGULO TORGA, Óscar; ABIA LLERA, Luis María;
Start date: 01/01/2012
End date: 31/12/2014
Financing entity: Ministerio de ciencia e innovación
Economic Amount: 41400
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Book chapters
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BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Scaling up tree growth to assess forest resilience under increasing aridity: the case of Iberian dry-edge pine forests". (ISSN: 0921-2973). Landscape Ecology. 2024 , vol 39 , num 6 , p. 1 - 22
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; ALCÁZAR ARRIBAS, Juan Gerardo; POGGIALE , Jean Cristophe; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."A simple geometrical condition for the existence of periodic solutions of planar periodic systems. Application to some biological models". (ISSN: 0022-247X). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2015 , vol 423 , num 2 , p. 1469 - 1479
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Reduction of nonautonomous population dynamics models with two time scales". (ISSN: 0001-5342). Acta Biotheoretica. 2014 , vol 3 , num 62 , p. 285 - 303
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; SÁNCHEZ , Eva; POGGIALE , Jean-Christophe; ."Reduction of slow-fast asymptotically autonomous systems with applications to gradostat models". (ISSN: 1476-945X). Ecological Complexity. 2013 , num 14 , p. 75 - 84
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; MOUSSAOUI , Alí; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; AUGER , Pierre; ."A density-dependent model describing age-structured population dynamics using hawk-dove tactics". (ISSN: 1023-6198). Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2013 , vol 6 , num 19 , p. 1022 - 1034
ANGULO , Oscar; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; LÓPEZ MARCOS, Juan C.; ZAVALA GIRONÉS, Miguel Ángel de; ."Stand dynamics and tree coexistence in an analytical structured model: the role of recruitment.". (ISSN: 0022-5193). Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2013
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; POGGIALE , Jean-Christophe; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Approximate aggregation of a two time scales periodic multi-strain SIS epidemic model: a patchy environment with fast migrations". (ISSN: 1476-945X). Ecological Complexity. 2012 , vol 1 , num 10 , p. 34 - 41
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; AUGER , Pierre; ."Reproductive numbers for nonautonomous spatially distributed periodic SIS models acting on two time scales". (ISSN: 0001-5342). Acta Biotheoretica. 2012 , vol 1-2 , num 60 , p. 139 - 154
Electronic Articles
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BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ." Population Model with an Age-weight Structured Two-stage Life History ". Congreso. Internacional. "10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications". Madrid (07/07/2014 - 11/07/2014).
BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Rèduction de modèles non autonomes à deux échelles de temps". Congreso. Internacional. "Quatrième Confèrence Internationale de la SFBT". Dakar "(Senegal)". (03/06/2013 - 06/06/2013).
MARVÁ RUIZ, Marcos; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; AUGER , Pierre; POGGIALE , Jean-Christophe; ."Time scales and epidemics on small networks ". Workshop. Internacional. "Epidemics on Networks. Current Trends and Challenges ". Bellaterra (05/09/2012 - 07/09/2012).
ZAVALA GIRONÉS, Miguel Ángel de; ANGULO , O.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; LÓPEZ MARCOS, J.; ."Population structure in even-aged forest stands: general patterns and ecological mechanisms ". Internacional. "International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Biology.". "(Italia)". (20/06/2004 - ).
ZAVALA GIRONÉS, Miguel Ángel de; ORINO , O.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Coexistence of functional-types in Mediterranean forests: computational approximations and analytical solutions". Internacional. "Alcalá Second International Conference on Mathematical Ecology (AICME 2)". "(España)". (05/09/2003 - ).
BLASCO LORENZO, Ángel; SANZ , L.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Reduction of a stochastic multiregional model". Internacional. "5th European Conference of the ESMTB on Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine.". "(Italia)". (05/07/2002 - ).
BLASCO LORENZO, Ángel; SANZ , L.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Agregación en procesos de ramificación.". Nacional. "Conferencia Internacional de estadística en Estudios Medioambientales.". Cadiz (23/11/2001 - ).
BLASCO LORENZO, Ángel; SANZ , L.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Demographic Stochasticity in Multiregional Models". Internacional. "DESTOBIO 2000". "(Estados Unidos)". (23/08/2000 - ).
CHARLES , S.; AUGER , Pierre; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Fish Population Dynamics in an Arborescent River Network. The Effects of Dams and Channelling". Internacional. "Alcalá 1st International Conference on Mathematical Ecology". Madrid (04/09/1998 - ).
PONTIER , D.; AUGER , Pierre; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; SANCHEZ , E.; ."Influence of Behaviour on Domestic Cats Population Dynamics". Internacional. "Alcalá 1st International Conference on Mathematical Ecology". Madrid (04/09/1998 - ).
SANZ , L.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Time Scales in a Stochastic Matrix Model". Internacional. "Alcalá 1st International Conference on Mathematical Ecology". Madrid (04/09/1998 - ).
BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; SANCHEZ , E.; AUGER , Pierre; ARINO , Ovide; ."Two Time Scales in Nonlinear Discrete Models ". Internacional. "Alcalá 1st International Conference on Mathematical Ecology". Madrid (04/09/1998 - ).
SAN , L.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Aggregation in a Non Autonomous Discrete Model". Internacional. "Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics". "(Polonia)". (21/06/1998 - ).
AUGER , Pierre; CHARLES , S.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Fish Growth Modelling in an Arborescent River Network- The Effects of Dams and Channelling". Internacional. "1997 World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling". (15/12/1997 - ).
BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ARINO , Ovide; AUGER , Pierre; SANCHEZ , E.; ."A Discrere Model with Density Dependent Fast Migration". Internacional. "International Conference on Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Biointeraction". "(Bulgaria)". (28/08/1997 - ).
SANZ , L.; SANCHEZ , E.; BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Variables Aggregation in a Time Discrete Linear Model". Internacional. "International Conference on Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling of Biointeraction". "(Bulgaria)". (28/08/1997 - ).
BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ARINO , Ovide; AUGER , Pierre; SANCHEZ , E.; ."Fast Migration in an Age-Structured Population". Internacional. "3rd European Conference on Mathematics Applied to Biology and Medicine". "(Alemania)". (06/10/1996 - ).
BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."A Model of an Age-structured Population with Two Time Scales". Internacional. "Conference on Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine". Veszprem "(Hungría)". (20/07/1996 - ).
BRAVO DE LA PARRA, Rafael; ."Density Dependent Discrete Models with Different Time Scales". Internacional. "Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Popularion Dv". Houston "(Estados Unidos)". (01/05/1995 - ).
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