Mónica Grande Alonso

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Mónica Grande Alonso

Mónica Grande Alonso

Mónica Grande Alonso

Categories: Profesor/a Ayudante Doctor/a

Department: Surgery, Medical and Social Sciences



Grado en Biología Sanitaria

Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

Grado en Enfermería

Grado en Enfermería (Guadalajara)

Grado en Farmacia

Grado en Fisioterapia

Grado en Medicina

Research groups

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Research Lines of the Group

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Research Projects

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Book chapters

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  • FORNER-ÁLVAREZ , Carlos; CUENCA-MARTÍNEZ , Ferran; SEBASTIÁN-MARTÍN , Alba; VIDAL-QUEVEDO , Celia; GRANDE ALONSO, Mónica; ."Combined face-to-face and telerehabilitation physiotherapy management in a patient with chronic pain related to piriformis syndrome: a case report". (ISSN: 2375-1576). AIMS Medical Science. 2024 , vol 11 , num 2 , p. 113 - 123 .
  • FORNER-ÁLVAREZ , Carlos; CUENCA-MARTÍNEZ , Ferran; MORENO GÓMEZ-TOLEDANO, Rafael; VIDAL-QUEVEDO , Celia; GRANDE ALONSO, Mónica; ."Multimodal physiotherapy treatment based on a biobehavioral approach in a patient with chronic low back pain: a case report". (ISSN: 2375-1576). AIMS Medical Science. 2024 , vol 11 , num 2 , p. 77 - 89 .
  • LA TOUCHE , Roy; PARIS-ALEMANY , Alba; PARDO-MONTERO , Joaquín; MIÑAMBRES-MARTÍN , Diego; MERCADO-ROMERO , Francisco; ROSA DÍAZ, Irene de la; SORREL , Miguel A.; GRANDE ALONSO, Mónica; ."The biobehavioural pain and movement questionnaire (BioPMovQ): development and psychometric validation of a new questionnaire". Frontiers in Medicine. 2024 , vol 11 , num 05 .
  • GRANDE ALONSO, Mónica; LA TOUCHE , Roy; PARIS-ALEMANY , Alba; ROSA DÍAZ, Irene de la; ."Evaluación de los aspectos sensoriomotores y cognitivo-afectivos de los pacientes con síndrome post- COVID-19 persistente y las posibles diferencias con los que presentan dolor musculoesquelético asociado". Journal of MOVE and Therapeutic Science. 2023 , vol 5 , num 2 , p. m47 -  .
  • LA TOUCHE , Roy; PARDO-MONTERO , Joaquín; GRANDE ALONSO, Mónica; PARIS-ALEMANY , Alba; MIÑAMBRES-MARTÍN , Diego; NOUVILAS-PALLEJÀ , Encarnación; ."Psychological, pain, and disability factors influencing the perception of improvement/recovery from physiotherapy in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a cross-sectional study". (ISSN: 2227-9032). Helathcare. 2023 , vol 12 (1) .

Electronic Articles

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